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Global Business

Global Business

Today business happens everywhere, and goes everywhere. Africa boasts the world’s fastest growing economies. The world's most popular social-media app, TikTok, is a Chinese creation. And while we think of the United States as a big country, in total Americans make up only 4% of the world's population. That means that almost all of your customers, competitors — and opportunities —  are from somewhere else, speak a different language, and have a different way of looking at the world.

 Global learning is part of the Business Management major.

To help you develop the global perspective that employers want, we encourage you to make study abroad part of your college experience.

Studying abroad gives you first-hand experience with other ways of life. You’ll get a deeper understanding of how culture can vary from country to country, and how that affects markets, firms, and strategy. When you come back home, you’ll be amazed at how differently you view things you took for granted before.

Our students can learn anywhere, even on a train in France! (Summer 2019)

Business study-abroad partners

We have partnerships with great business school programs around the world, from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong. 

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Istanbul, Turkey

Egam, United Kingdom

Yokohama, Japan

Paris, France

Hong Kong, China

Ifrane, Morocco

Gold Coast, Australia

What’s Required for the Major

You don't have to spend a semester abroad to major in Business Management, but you do have to have a global learning experience. That could mean study abroad, but it also includes studying a foreign language through the 202 level, or taking two global-focus courses, or participating in one of our short-term international programs (usually about two weeks, usually in Italy, Spain, and France).  Full details, including what courses count, are in our college catalog.

To learn more about study-abroad opportunities, the best place to start is the Global Education Office.