Faculty Publications


    Heir to the Crescent Moon book cover

    Heir to the Crescent Moon

    Sufiya Abdur-Rahman

    Published: November 2021   



    Pamela Colman Smith: Artist, Feminist, and Mystic

    Elizabeth O'Connor

    Published: March 2021   



    Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice

    Alisha Knight 

    (co-edited with John Cullen Gruesser)

    Published: December 2020


    liberal education

     A Liberal Education in Late     Emerson: Readings in the Rhetoric of Mind

    Sean Meehan

    Published January 2019 




    Poe's Difference 

    Richard De Prospo

    Published Septmener 2019


    i liked you better

         I Liked You Better Before I Knew You So Well  

    James Hall

          Published April 2017


    savage theories

    Savage Theories and Dark Constellations  

    (Translations of novels by Pola Oloixarac)

    Roy Kesey

    Published December 2017


    Upcoming Publications: 

    • Romantic Comedy (2023, Four Way Books)

    Books by Emeritus Professors:

    •  (2020)
      • Richard Gillin
      • discuss the book and Kiplin Hall
    • The S茅ance of Reading: Uncanny Designs in Modernist Writing (coming soon)
      • Thomas Cousineau