Music Major Requirements

The Department of Music celebrates the diversity of musical experiences – from performance and education to music business and production! Music majors at Ã山ǿ¼é develop an individualized program that sets them up for success as they work towards a BA.

Declare your Major! Course Catalog (PDF)

The Process

The MUSIC major consists of five components:

  1. Core Required Courses (20 credits)
  2. Electives (12 credits) 
  3. World Music Elective (4 credits)
  4. Lessons & Performance (18 credits)
  5. Senior Capstone (4 credits)
  6. Other Expectations


1. Core Required Courses

Music Theory (3 required courses | 12 credits)

Plan ahead: It is ideal to start the Music Theory the semester you arrive at Ã山ǿ¼é College, but no later than fall of your sophomore year.

MUS 131* Music Theory 1
MUS 132*  Music Theory 2
MUS 232 Music Theory 3

* These courses can be used satisfy the College's "Quantitative" distribution requirement.

Music History (2 required courses | 8 credits)

Two courses selected from the following History of Western Music Sequence: 

MUS 203 Ancient to Baroque
MUS 204 Classical to Romantic
MUS 205 Music since 1900

2. Electives

Music Theory Elective (1 course | 4 credits)

One courses selected from the following theory offerings. Course must be taken after completion of the required Music Theory sequence.

MUS 331 Analytical Techniques
MUS 350 Analysis of Popular Music
MUS 430 Orchestration and Arranging

General Music Elective (2 course | 8 credits)

This requirment can be fullfulled by taking any two additional four-credit history or theory courses, besides MUS 100.

3. World Music Electives

World Music Elective (1 course | 4 credits)

One courses selected from the following ethnomusciology and world music offerings. 

MUS 104 Intro to World Music & Ethnomusicology
MUS 313 Music of Latin America
MUS 314 Music of Asia
MUS 327 Music, Ritual, and Early Chritianity
MUS 329 Cuba Music & Culture
MUS 406 Theory and Method in Ethnomusicology

4. Performance Requirements (18 credits)



Performance Requirements for students of Brass, Woodwind, Percussion, Strings, and Voice

  • Four semesters of two-credit (400-level) applied music in their declared area (8 credits)
  • Two semesters of two-credit (400-level) applied or class piano, or by passing a piano proficiency exam (4 credits)
  • Performance ensemble participation (6 credits):
  • Brass, Woodwind, and Percussion students must acquire at least four credits in MUS 277 Symphonic Band. The remaining two credits may come from any other ensemble offered by the Department of MUSIC.
  • String students must acquire at least four credits from MUS 291 String Orchestra. The remaining two credits may come from any other ensemble offered by the Department of MUSIC.
  • Voice students must acquire at least four credits from MUS 283 College Chorus. The remaining two credits may come from any other ensemble offered by the Department of MUSIC.


Performance Requirements for students of Guitar and Composition

  • Four semesters of two-credit (400-level) applied music in their declared area (8 credits)
  • Two semesters of two-credit (400-level) applied or class piano, or by passing a piano proficiency exam (4 credits)
  • Six additional credits of additional applied music or ensemble participation, of which at least four credits must be in a large ensemble (MUS 277 Symphonic Band, MUS 281 Jazz Ensemble, MUS 283 College Chorus, or MUS 291 String Orchestra) (6 credits)


Performance Requirements for students of Piano

  • Four semesters of two-credit (400-level) applied music in applied piano (8 credits)
  • Ten additional credits of additional applied music or ensemble participation, of which at least four credits must be in a large ensemble (MUS 277 Symphonic Band, MUS 281 Jazz Ensemble, MUS 283 College Chorus, or MUS 291 String Orchestra) (10 credits)


5. Senior Capstone Experience

The Senior Capstone Experience in music may be fulfilled by:

  • writing an extensive research paper or an extended composition;
  • presenting a research paper in conjunction with a lecture recital;
  • performing an hour-long solo recital; or
  • combining a half recital with a research paper.

Students may pursue an alternate Senior Capstone Experience project with the approval of the department chair. Students who double major are encouraged to explore a project that satisfies both majors. Students are expected to follow published timelines for submitting project proposals, drafts, and other related obligations. Students will choose their project in consultation with the Chair of Music and other music faculty. The Chair, prior to initiating any substantial work, must approve all projects. The SCE will be accorded Pass, Fail, or Honors, and, upon successfully completing it, the student will receive four credits.

The SCE Process

During the fall semester of your junior year, you’ll attend an SCE info session to find out more about the process. Capstones are most useful when they are aligned with your personal and professional career goals. Consult regularly with your professors and your advisor about your goals and ideas. 

Students are expected to declare their SCE by November 15 of their Junior Year, so we can begin more formal conversations. A more formal proposal is due by March 1 of their Junior Year. Students who are considering a Fall graduation date should advance these deadlines by 7 months.  

Students pursuing double majors are encouraged topursue an integrated Capstones that satisfies both majors. This requires planning beginning in the junior year. When faced with timelines from two departments, students should expect earlier ones to take precedence. Double majors can only earn four total SCE credits, even if they write two Capstones.



6. Other Expectations - MUS 400

Music majors should regularly enroll in MUS 400 Performance Practicum every semester they are a declared major. This course provides experiential learning for majors and minors through participation in music department events. By enrolling in this course, students commit to completing all required activities during the indicated semester. Course requirements will be clearly outlined by the instructor(s) at the beginning of the semester. These requirements will typically include attendance at concerts, attendance at department-sponsored lectures/masterclasses, and attending general information meetings. This is a zero-credit course and is graded pass/fail. Majors must enroll in and pass the course four times; minors must enroll and pass.

If a music major intends to pursue graduate work in music, the department strongly recommends studying two years of German or French, in that order.