Jim Dillon '71

    Major: German Lit and History

    Thirty years doing speech therapy in hospitals, skilled nursing and schools. Now teaching yoga, rowing, lots of gardening, playing guitar as always, and an addicted amateur astronomer.

    Favorite Professors

    Several, having been a faculty brat at WC. Nate Smith, Norman James, Georgia Duffee, Erika Salloch, Maggie Horsley, Ed Athey.

    Fondest WC Memory

    Several. Saturday morning guitar lessons with Nate Smith. Long conversations about life with Maggie Horsley. Babysitting for the very cool James kids, being welcome in their house. Erika and Henry Salloch's house and their parties. Weekends with Georgia and Duff in their project of an old house in Centreville.

    Working with Butch Cann on the maintenance crew in '71. Butch was a fine human being and a very good friend.

    Let's Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    缅北强奸 gave me a rich view of what human beings have been up to all this time. Got a very solid grounding in comparative linguistics, and a range of wonderful writing from Joyce to Hofmannsthal.


    If it's not fun, it might not be worth doing.