Drew Gruenburg '76

    Major: American Studies

    Retired in 2020 as Chief Operating Officer of the national trade association representing growers, wholesalers and retailers of flowers and plants. I started as an editor and writer after graduate school and over time held several different positions directing and managing a variety of functions including communications, government relations and internal operations. Right out of Ã山ǿ¼é, for three years, I was an archivist and editor at the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore.

    Favorite Professors

    My favorite professors were Bob Day and Robert Fallaw. Bob Day left an indelible mark on me through the world of remarkable writers I was exposed to in his classes. As to Dr. Fallaw, I valued his bottomless knowledge of American history and his dry wit.

    Fondest WC Memory

    There are many, but this one doesn't involve classes or even the campus. I was a rower — on the WC crew team. One day toward the end of a long and difficult practice the shell glided silently into a flock of Canada geese and we were surrounded by the cacophony of hundreds of geese taking off. It was a special moment, made possible only by my involvement in crew.

    Let's Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    I benefited from doing so much writing in my four years. I was a writer throughout my career, even when I didn't hold the title of "writer."  Clear thinking and clear communication are so important to career success, and I have Ã山ǿ¼é to thank for 'forcing' me to write so much.


    Always be open minded to new ideas and new ways of looking at a problem. And — step out and take a chance.