Frankie Rollins '90

    Major: English

    I'm a writer, writing coach, and founder of the creative community, the Fifth Brain Collective. I love to hike, ski, do yoga, read, cook, and think.

    Favorite Professors

    Between them, Bob Day and Dr. Anderson taught me how to think in structured and unstructured ways and modeled ways of teaching that influence me to this day.  The alchemy of their classrooms, the voices of teachers and students mingling in the spirit of curiosity, sank into my bones.

    Fondest WC Memory

    Listening to Toni Morrison read from her new novel, BELOVED, in the James Theatre.

    Let鈥檚 Hear It for the Liberal Arts

     I came from a massive high school, but WC gave me a chance to learn in small classes with attentive and thought-provoking professors, which taught me to honor my own scholarly pursuits. The Literary House taught me to be an advocate for the arts and probably is the reason I started the Fifth Brain Collective.


    Trust that you can learn something from everyone. All of the professors are teaching you something, even if it is simply variations on all the ways to be human in this world.