Susie Chase ’90 P’21

    Major: Humanities

    I am currently serving Ã山ǿ¼é as the Vice President for Advancement, Alumni Relations and Constituent Engagement.

    Favorite Class

    I really had a lot of favorite professors—Bennett Lamond, Bob Fallaw, Bob Day, Joachim Scholz, Pat Horne, but Stephen Cades is really the first teacher to talk to me about how I learn and to encourage me to pull concepts together from across my classes. It had a truly lasting impact on me. My favorite class was called "Southern Voices"—it was my introduction to some amazing writers like, Faulkner and Toni Morrison.

    Fondest WC Memory

    All of it was pretty great. Even the hard stuff—it made me who I am today. But I did like swimming in the Casey Swim Center when it snowed outside.

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    My Ã山ǿ¼é education not only sharpened my abilities to communicate but it also taught me the value of the big idea. It honed my ability to see how lines connect and lead us to a larger vision that can become our game plan for success.


    Take academic risk. Take the opportunity to be intellectually curious. This is such an amazing time of inspired learning—let it lead you to undiscovered places. Don't be constrained by what you think you are supposed to do.