Kyndra Ponder Holm '91

    Major: English
    BS in Nursing after graduating from WC

    I am currently the Pediatric Trauma Program Manager at the Children's Hospital of Georgia in Augusta, GA.  I am a Registered Nurse and spent more than 20 years at the bedside caring for critically ill and injured patients in trauma emergency departments, trauma ICUs and as a flight nurse/flight paramedic.  Though I don't take care of patients any more, as the trauma program manager, I oversee the entire trauma program to make sure that we are ready to care for any injured child who comes to us for care. 

    Favorite Classes and Professors

    My whole education at WC was fantastic, but I remember my experience in the theater and with the English dept so fondly.  Garry Clarke, Dale Daigle, Dr. Gillin, Dr. Lamond, Bob Day, Emilie Amt.  There is simply too much good to narrow it down to just one. 

    Fondest WC Memory

    I have so many wonderful memories of my time there, but I think my most favorite memory is coming back to WC to watch my younger sister graduate in 1995.

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    I remember during my first semester at Ã山ǿ¼é, President Cater invited several students to his house for dinner.  During dinner, he asked what things we wanted to see offered at the college in the coming seasons. I commented that I would have liked to have seen some additional "career" majors offered — like Journalism.  He responded that he believed those types majors weren't the primary focus of Ã山ǿ¼é College. He said, "If you have taught someone to think, you've taught them what matters." He added that people can learn the specifics of their jobs once they get to work, but he clearly felt that teaching us to think was the more important goal.   I would have to agree.

    I also think that the focus on writing was critically important.  Effective communication is so important in every sphere of adult life.  


    Enjoy this time. It is such a gift to have the opportunity to learn from people who want to share their knowledge with you simply so that you, too, can have that information. The rest of the world doesn't always operate like that. Soak in the experiences. Try new things. Take classes way outside of your comfort zone. Don't worry too much about what you're going to "do" after you graduate. Enjoy being a student. Savor this time. The future has a way of taking care of itself.