David Slomkowski '92

    Major: Business Management

    As the founder and current executive director of a small nonprofit organization , David Slomkowski has been required to perform in many different roles. Earning a business degree from WC gave him an understanding of how business works. He credits his alma mater for the knowledge and skills that help him make informed and solid decisions on a daily basis. 

    Favorite Class

    Terry Scout in Marketing. Funny story: I remember a class discussion about the importance of being prompt to class and waking up early. Professor Scout stated he didn’t need to set an alarm to be on time to class, it was just something he did naturally, a result of going to sleep early. I had no concept of this wisdom then, I certainly do now!  

    Fondest WC Memory

    Wearing a WC lacrosse jersey for the first time and beating Loyola College on Kibler Field. 

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    Athletically, playing lacrosse for WC under coach Terry Corcoran, I learned important skills such as time management, work ethic, teamwork, leadership and how to overcome adversity. In addition, I was blessed with authentic experiences that led to lifelong friendships and connections that benefit my life in positive ways to this very day. 


    Figure out what makes you become passionately alive and elevate the quality of life for others.