Ted Greeley '93

    Major: Psychology

    Colonel, USMC (Ret). Served as an infantry officer for 26 years and had the honor and privilege of leading Marines in both peace and in combat. Now working as a business executive, watching my two kids grow up, spending time with my wife, Jess (WC '98), and learning to play the guitar.

    Favorite Class

    All of Dr. Spilich's and Dr. Kerchner's classes and Dr. Lamond's Freshman English class.

    Fondest WC Memory

    The most enduring memories I have are all about the relationships and friendships forged with other people at WC. I indeed cherish my time playing lacrosse for WC and having the opportunity to be an assistant coach at WC for two years following graduation.

    Let鈥檚 Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    I believe what I wrote in the advice to students section below is a good summary of how WC prepared me for life.


    First, recognize the value of being part of something bigger than yourself and find a way to do that for the rest of your life; strive to serve your country, community, and family in a meaningful and challenging way. Second, learn the importance of sacrifice, accountability, integrity, hard work, and discipline. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easily, and you will need these traits to be both successful and honorable. Third, learn to be resilient in the face of adversity, because adversity awaits you no matter what path you choose. Have the mental toughness to expect it, embrace it, and overcome it in pursuit of your goals and your organization's goals. Finally, enjoy the ride! The world has so much to offer in terms of experiences and friendships, so get out there and live.  GO SHOREMEN!