Andrew Greeley '99

    Major: English

    Longtime Dogfish Head Craft Brewery employee and General Manager of the Dogfish INN in Lewes, DE, Andrew Greeley co-authored his first book titled The Dogfish Head Book: 26 Years of Off-Centered Adventures with Dogfish Head owners Sam and Mariah Calagione. The heavily-illustrated, lovingly-told tome is a history of one of the largest and most well-known independent craft breweries in the nation.

    Favorite Class

    Dr. Richard Gillin and his Romantics class. Dr. Gillin was one of the main reasons I decided to major in English. His passion for the subject matter he teaches is contagious and he meets all the students where they are. To this day I still hold Great Expectations at the top of my list of favorite books because of him. Dr. Gillin made the literature so accessible to everyone and relatable to real life. I also loved that he wore a Guinness tie on Fridays!!!

    Fondest WC Memory

    Being a part of the 1998 NCAA National Championship lacrosse team. It was not the winning that was the best part but the relationships I built with my teammates that endure to this day. It was the times spent traveling on the Dorsey Bus, in the locker room, and in the rain and mud with them that created the bonds.

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    WC taught me that the relationships we build and the communities we belong to are what really matter. With WC being such a small school, it is up to the individual to make the campus and experience great. I learned the importance of engaging in what interested me, and felt valued when I was there.


    Take risks and don’t let what you do or study define you or your friends. People can often pick one area of study or an activity and then follow a narrow path. Your time at WC is about exploration. You are not the sport you play, the club you run or the academic area of focus you have chosen. You are so much bigger than that. Put yourself out there. And . . . Go Shoremen!


    Get The Dogfish Head Book: 26 Years of Off-Centered Adventures available on , , and 

    Andrew Greeley