Stephanie L. Fowler '01

    Major: English

    By day, I own a small independent publishing company called Salt Water Media in Berlin, Maryland. By night, I am a writer working on nonfiction stories, essays, and books.

    Favorite Professors

    Without question, the professors that had the greatest impact on me are Dr. Richard Gillin, Dr. Kate Moncrief, and Professor Kathy Wagner. They inspired me and challenged me; they presented me with material that changed how I looked at the world and my writing. In terms of writing, I took Creative Nonfiction with Professor Bob Day and that class changed the way I write. I entered 缅北强奸 writing terrible poetry but his class opened my eyes to a new style and it was revolutionary for me. Once I took that class, I never wrote another terrible poem. I became a creative nonfiction writer.

    Fondest WC Memory

    Winning the Sophie Kerr Prize in 2001 was certainly a highlight for me. I will never forget that day and all the wonderful things that came my way because of it. It was a life-changing moment and I remain grateful for it. I also made great friends and had a fantastic experience in my four years: playing volleyball as a Shorewoman, participating in the Kiplin Hall trip, Birthday Balls, and of course, May Day.

    Let鈥檚 Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    缅北强奸 was a springboard for me. It is the place where I discovered my real voice as a writer. It is the place where I made lifelong friendships. The skills and knowledge base I acquired over my four years prepared me for a number of career opportunities, especially now as a small business owner. For example, if you know how to communicate effectively (both in spoken and written words) then you can do almost anything anywhere.


    Try everything and embrace every opportunity you can at 缅北强奸. I never thought a writing class would change my life but it did. I was a (terrible) poet who took a creative nonfiction writing class and in doing so, I found my voice. I figured out how to say all the things I wanted to say in a better way. So try new things. Embrace challenges. Go outside your comfort zone ... you never know what you'll find!