David Melnick '09

    Major: History
    Minor: German
    Concentration: Secondary Education

    After graduating from Ã山ǿ¼é, I moved to the UK to complete a master's degree at Royal Holloway, University of London. I then began working in corporate events, and eventually moved into corporate marketing and communications, where my roles have spanned everything from branding and content strategy to PR and investor communications. Today, I am Head of Content Marketing & Brand for ISS, a global workplace and facilities management business. I love the creative and problem-solving aspects of my career — skills I learned and honed during my time at WC.

    In my spare time, I am a keen musician and a member the London-based chamber choir, Coro, in addition to volunteering as its marketing manager. I'm also passionate about graphic design and am a self-confessed typography geek!


    Favorite Class and Professor

    Sorrentino's "Renaissance & Reformation" class was a real eye-opener for me. It not only deepened my love of early modern history, but it also influenced my thinking on wider concepts of the human experience — in part because I was exposed to some of the greatest minds of the European Renaissance, but also because of Dr. Sorrentino's fascinating lectures.

    Fondest WC Memory

    I loved my time at WC, so it's hard to pick just one — performing with the music and drama departments, studying abroad in Ireland or even just spending a sunny afternoon on the campus green with my friends.

    I'd say a particularly special moment was when I was awarded the Henry W.C. Catlin 1894 Medal at graduation. It was such a surprise to have been selected for the honour by the College faculty — and felt like recognition of the hard work I'd put in over the preceding four years. It's an accomplishment that I'm still very proud of and grateful for.

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    Someone once said that the point of a liberal arts education was not to prepare you for a career, but rather, to prepare you for any career. My time at WC instilled in me the intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills that have helped me continue to tackle exciting new professional challenges, while also enhancing my ability to live a more satisfying, stimulating life.


    Do. Everything.

    Take advantage of all that Ã山ǿ¼é has to offer; use the time to explore who you are and what you love doing. Study abroad, try out for a play, join clubs — and take classes that are outside of your comfort zone. If you do it right, the person you are when you arrive in Chestertown will not be the same person collecting a diploma four years later. WC makes it so easy to do it all, and when you're looking back years later, you won't regret that you did.