Mike Powell '11

    Major: Art & Art History
    Minor: Chemistry
    Concentration: Pre-Health Professions Studies

    I practice dentistry and own a large dental practice that is limited to dental surgery, implantology, and prosthetics.

    Favorite Classes

    I found three classes have had the longest impact on me. I took World Religions my first semester. Dr. McClure was a fantastic professor and allowed his students to engage with many different belief systems and viewpoints, which expanded my understanding of our world. The second was a course taught by Dr. Bill Schindler called Human Evolution. That course was fascinating and hands on. We were taught to make stone tools and throw atlatls. The third course was taught by a visiting professor about Egyptian Temples. I think Egyptology is fascinating and we were even taught about reading basic hieroglyphics.

    Fondest WC Memory

    Being a Peer Mentor was a ton of fun. I absolutely loved my time spent at WAC and being a Peer Mentor allowed me to share that with new students.

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    Ã山ǿ¼é gave me a solid foundation in the sciences which helped tremendously during Dental School. The premedical/dental committee helped prepare me for my dental school entrance exams, interviews, etc. The liberal arts aspect of my education at WAC has helped in so many areas of my life, including my career.


    Immerse yourself in Ã山ǿ¼é — both in and out of the classroom. Soak up the knowledge from your professors because WAC has some really incredible people teaching. But also get involved with extracurricular activities whether that be Greek life, student government, sports, clubs, etc. Maximize your time and experience at WAC.