Andrew Antonio '12

    Major: Business Management

     I love all things space and aerospace! I'm the Co-founder & CEO of Urban Sky, a stratospheric remote sensing company that provides high-resolution, broad-area aerial imagery at costs significantly less than satellites and aircraft. Prior to Urban Sky, I served as the first employee and six-year Head of Space Tourism Sales & Marketing for World View, a leading U.S. space tourism company. In my free time, I love watching sports, catching up with friends, reading books, playing video games, and hanging out with my mini goldendoodle, Culver.

    Favorite Professors and Staff

    I owe SO much to several professors and classes at Ã山ǿ¼é. To name a few professors, Prof. Michael Harvey, Prof. Jason Rubin, Prof. Susan Vowels, Prof. Donald McColl, and Prof. Terry Scout all had a huge impact on my education for which I'll always be eternally grateful. These professors taught me how to lead, how to think and how to speak. 

    To name a few staff, I always loved working with Emmanuel Lalande, Beth Anne Langrell, President Mitchell Reiss, Sarah Feyerherm, Carl Crowe, Mela Dutka, and others. They were very supportive of student life and social programming in general, and I learned a lot from all of them about how to manage, organize, and lead. I'm just glad they were patient and put up with all the stress we put them through over the years!

    Fondest WC Memory

    There are way too many to count! I certainly loved our Homecoming Weekends, every Birthday Ball weekend, all the War on the Shore games, and also just hanging around the campus green lounging with friends and studying.

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    I owe almost everything I have and everything I am, in part, to Ã山ǿ¼é. I'm incredible grateful to have had such a comfortable, supportive learning environment for four years of my life. The school and people behind it taught me to think critically, lead morally, and serve passionately.


    Work hard, get involved, and have fun. Time flies in college — savor every moment, but make sure you're learning as much possible, via both class and life experience.