Stephan Jordan '12

    Major: Political Science

    I currently work as the Deputy Chief of Staff and the Executive Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the Enrollment Management Division at Northeastern University. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, reading, playing the piano and traveling. And, no matter where I am or where I'm working, I'm always proud to be an advocate and an alumnus of Ã山ǿ¼é!

    Favorite Class

    Oh, where to begin?! There wasn't a single class that I didn't enjoy, and I got to know and work with so many professors across campus, even if I didn't have a class with them. Below are just a few professors who, each in their own way, had a big impact on my life and time at Ã山ǿ¼é: (in no particular order)- Dr. Gary Clarke- Dr. Melissa Deckman- Dr. Dan Premo- Dr. Christine Wade- Dr. Andrew Oros- Dr. Michele Volansky- Prof. Dale Daigle- Prof. Tim Maloney- Prof.  Jason Rubin- Polly Sommerfield

    Fondest WC Memory

    There are far too many great memories to put here. But, I do want to mention two things:1. There were a number of members of staff who also had a huge impact on me during my time at the college. I have equally fond memories of them as I do of all the professors and classes I took. I want to specifically mention (and thank!): Maria Hynson, Joe Holt, Annie Coleman, Laura Johnstone Wilson, Shirely Loller, Mela Dutka, Jeani Narcum, Natalie Story, Larry Stahl, Shannon Wyble, Josephine "Peahces" Hawn, and Miss Debbie and Tony from the Dining Hall. And, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention former presidents Baird and Sarah Tipson, and Mitchell and Elisabeth Reiss.2. Sarah Feyerherm and the Peer Mentor Program. If there's one person or program that totally transformed my college experience it was being a peer mentor. I got to know some of the best people, many of whom have become lifelong friends, including my wife (Hilary Badger '14)! Those weeks when we would be on campus for training are some of my favorite memories from college. Sarah played such a key role in this program and in my life — so much so that we had her officiate our wedding!

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    WC gave me so many tools to tackle the real world. Critical thinking, effective writing, etc., etc. The list could go on forever.But, there are two tools I want to mention specifically: Interpersonal skills and learning how to fail.Learning how to hold conversations and interact with people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures has played a huge role in my career. I think figuring out how to interact with various dignitaries visiting campus or members of the Board of Visitors and Governors gave me an early look at how to be professional and conduct myself in settings with important people in the room.And, learning how to fail and how to bounce back is hugely important. Ã山ǿ¼é, and a number of professors and staff, gave me the space and encouragement to try new things. Sometimes they worked out, and sometimes they didn't.  But, there were always people there to help me figure out what went wrong and how to move forward. In many ways, those experiences and the lessons learned have allowed me to conquer a lot of fear, and I know that my Ã山ǿ¼é experience and education will always help me reach success.


    Take advantage of everything. Don't sit in your room or in the library studying all the time. Get involved. Join every club or organization you want to. Fully being a part of the campus community will absolutely transform your college experience. And, if you can, make sure you study abroad! You won't regret it.