Maria Rose Hynson '15 P'19

    Major: Humanities
    Minors: Philosophy and Art History

    I currently serve as the Director of Homeowner Services for Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity.  I began my Habitat journey in 2007, while I was a student and staff member at the College, as a Collegiate Challenge volunteer.  I transitioned my part-time volunteer status to a full-time one with AmeriCorps in 2021, and was hired full-time directly after that.  (Ask me about a year of Service with AmeriCorps!). In my work, I help to recruit, coach, and educate Habitat homeowners to the program, and serve as the affiliate's mortgage loan officer.In my spare time, I still volunteer for Habitat in other areas of the country, with other alumni.  I love to read, watch movies, and spend time with family and friends.  Occasionally, I even do work on my own home, using my Habitat skills!  I hope to travel more for fun in the coming years, and look forward to visiting some of the places that I've only read about so far.

    Favorite Classes and Professors

    Too many to mention!  I was a non-traditional, part-time student from Spring 2004-Spring 2015, so I had a long time to experience a lot of great teachers and classes. It seemed to take forever, but I was lucky to have all that time and my choice of major really allowed me the "breadth and depth" of a liberal arts education.Formally, I owe my thanks to my first boss and teacher at the College, Joachim Scholz. He gave me a big chance at not only a job, but an education. I also owe my long-suffering advisor, Dr. Gillin, a big thank you. He put up with me for a long time! Both of these gentlemen were also my teachers in the classroom, and I was lucky to learn from them formally and informally as the years went by.

    Fondest WC Memory

    I spent 17 years on campus every day, so I have a few more than most, I would bet. I loved my colleagues, but my fondest memories for me are probably of my fellow students. They always included me, even though I was years older than them, and when I graduated, so many of my former classmates showed up to support me. I am grateful for their friendship, their help when I struggled, and for teaching me so much.

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    Ã山ǿ¼é challenged me — as adults, we can get stuck in a rut when it comes to learning anything new, and the College made me a lifelong learner. I learned to think, read, and write well, and to use those abilities in my professional and personal life. The College made me an explorer, as I traveled internationally for the first time as a student, and led dozens of Habitat for Humanity alternative break trips to ten different states and saw parts of this country that I had never seen before. It also made me a better parent, as my classmates made sure that I kept up on the latest trends of their time, and what the worries, hopes, and dreams of their generation were. I was lucky to be able to experience so many different facets of the College, and my experience has a had a profound effect on my life.


    DO ALL THE THINGS! Seriously, try the things you want to try. Don't lock yourself into a major or program from the moment you step on campus. Don't stay in your comfort zone. Take risks and challenge yourself! Do take the class you want to take. Do join the club or event that looks interesting. You never know where it might lead you. I answered an email about going on Spring Break to build homes with Habitat for Humanity, and later, it became my career when the pandemic forced me to pivot and change my path.