Anna Windle '16

    Major: Environmental Science

    I am currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow in support of the NASA Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite mission where I am studying phytoplankton from space. In my spare time, I enjoy being on, near, or in the water — swimming, fishing, shark tooth hunting.

    Favorite Classes, Professors, and Staff

    Field Methods with Dr. FoxMarine Biology with Dr. ConnaughtonMs. Barb Merrill from Admissions

    Fondest WC Memory

    There are too many to pick — omelettes and tater tots from the dining hall, late nights at the library, exploring Chestertown with friends, working in the Admissions Office. Meeting my now husband. It was the best four years ever.

    Let’s Hear It for the Liberal Arts

    WAC gave me interpersonal skills, an interdisciplinary approach to learning, and confidence to conduct research!


    Don't be afraid to take hard classes — they can open up new doors for you and might better prepare you for graduate school or a future job.

    Professional Profile: