Katie McMillan '19

    Major: Business Management and Economics

    After doing audits, 990s, and bookkeeping for non-profit clients at a public accounting firm, I decided to shift to doing internal accounting. Currently, I work for an education nonprofit in Philadelphia that helps underserved students in Philly get access to educational and financial support from elementary school through college.

    Favorite Professors and Class

    Every professor I had significantly impacted my college experience and beyond. Dr. Vowels and Professor Williams' courses and passion inspired my graduate degree and career choices. Dr. Vich and Dr. Lynch were the reason I graduated, offering immeasurable help through my thesis. Dr. Bauer for being the professor who went above and beyond with academic and career guidance even after I had graduated. And Dr. Harvey, whose Leadership Communications course was the most important class I took at WC.

    Fondest WC Memory

     The final 'graduation requirement' for Econ majors or any involving Evergrain sun buns and the Bookplate cat.

    Let鈥檚 Hear It for the Liberal Arts

     I would not have been able to finish my Master in Accountancy had I not been set up with such a strong accounting foundation from Professor Williams. In my current role, I use a lot of the communication and decision making skills learned from other business and economics courses to inform recommendations and opinions I give to our COO.


    1. It's the guidance I hated hearing over and over but has been the most helpful in the positions I've worked in: NETWORK. Start creating contacts that you can reach out to in the future or that will think of you if opportunities become open.2. Apply to as many jobs as you can, and don't get discouraged by a delay in communication.3. For accounting specifically by applicable to many jobs, learn the software and a simple coding language. It's helped me to distinguish myself from other applicants.