
    This 2011 documentary tells the story of how our American food regulation system has favored big agriculture and industrial farming over small, local farmers for years. Even though small dairy farms use sustainable practices and grass-fed cows to produce nutrient-dense raw milk, the government makes guidelines that criminalize raw milk in some states. Corruption within the USDA has harmed our country’s small farmers, and this film raises awareness about the injustices done to the small farm communities in America. 

    Even though foodborne illnesses and diseases are more likely to break out in a crowded, industrialized farm rather than a small, local farm, the USDA makes it almost impossible for small farmers to sell their dairy. In this film, farmers share stories of how their small family farms were subject to unnecessary government-raids, lawsuits, and unwarranted seizures. Sadly, our corrupt food system continues to degrade these farmers and discourage local raw dairy. Farmers and consumers alike are worried about protecting their freedom to eat what they want and to support local, sustainable ways of eating.

    At the Eastern Shore Food Lab, we encourage people to shop local and visit a farmer’s market. We also use raw milk to create nutrient-dense, delicious yogurts, and cheeses. We hope to educate the public about the health benefits of raw milk, and hopefully, we can eventually change policy. 

    — Nicole Hatfield 
