
Before graduation, all AME students gain valuable hands-on experience through a professional internship in arts management.

The AME Internship

To complete the AME minor, students must apply and expand their understanding of arts management and entrepreneurship by completing an off-campus internship in a professional arts organization. 

Students are encouraged to seek out their own internship experiences; local internships are also available through AME's partnership with the Kent Cultural Alliance.

Internship Expectations

For an internship to count toward the AME minor…

  • It must be based at a professional arts organization. Internships at non-arts organizations, schools, camps, or community/amateur groups will only be considered if the experience is arts-related and overseen by a reputable arts industry professional.
  • The position must be focused primarily on leadership, management, and/or entrepreneurship in the arts.
  • The experience must include opportunities for learning, networking, and exposure to new experiences. This could include participation in seminars or workshops, 1-on-1 coaching/mentorship, field research, meetings with organizational leaders, observing high-level meetings, or other similarly robust experiences.

Ideally, the AME internship should complement or expand upon—not repeat—the student’s prior learning experiences on- and off-campus.

Other Internship Info

  • Students are responsible for finding and securing their own internships.
  • Students wishing to complete their internship locally may apply for placement through AME’s partnership with the Kent Cultural Alliance (see below).
  • AME internships must be approved in advance by the AME Director.
  • Internships may be paid or unpaid. Students may apply for funding from the Center for Career Development and/or other sources. 
  • AME internships may not count toward another program, except with special permission of both the AME Director and the applicable department chair.


Kent Cultural Alliance

Students wishing to complete their internship locally may apply for placement through AME’s partnership with the Kent Cultural Alliance (KCA). 

AME-KCA Internship Application Process

  • To apply, complete and submit this form by the following deadlines:
    • For Fall internships: July 1
    • For Spring internships: November 1
    • For Summer internships: April 1
  • Before placements are finalized, students may be asked to interview with one or more arts organizations, either in person or via phone / video chat.
  • AME & KCA will make best efforts to place all students who submit complete & timely applications, but placements are not guaranteed.
  • KCA internships are unpaid, but students may apply for funding through their own academic departments, the Center for Career Services, or other entities.



For more information about the KCA, visit their website: