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Environmental Studies (B.A.) Academic Requirements

Student Checklist

Introductory Course:

  • ENV 101. Introduction to Environmental Studies 
  • stormwater

One introductory-level majors sequence in the Natural Sciences chosen from below (choose either sequence 1 OR sequence 2): 

Sequence 1 (Biology Sequence):

  • BIO 111. General Biology I
  • BIO 112. General Biology II
  • ENV 242. Applied Ecology
  • CHE/ENV 110. Chemistry of the Environment


Sequence 2 (Chemistry Sequence):

  • CHE 120.  Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules
  • CHE 220. Quantitative Chemical Analysis
  • CHE/ENV 210. Environmental Chemistry
  • BIO 100. Current Topics in Biology
  • bees

Earth Science Course (choose one):

  • ENV 140. Exploring the Solid Earth
  • ENV 141. Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environment 

Math course (choose one): 

  • MAT 109. Statistics
  • MAT 106 and 107 Stretch Calculus (both must be taken)
  • MAT 111. Differential Calculus (recommended if you plan to attend graduate school)

*For Business and Psychology double majors/minors BUS 109 or PSY 109 may be taken with approval from ENV Dept. Chair

Social Science, Humanities, and Fine Arts Classes (5 courses)

2 Required Courses:

  • PHL 102. Contemporary Moral Issues
  • ENV 117. Intro to Environmental & Natural Resource Economics

Three additional courses from at least 2 different departments, chosen from those listed below:

  • ANT/ENV 107. Introduction to Environmental Archaeology
  • ANT/ENV 109. Introduction to GIS
  • ANT/ENV 137. Cultures and & Environments of the Chesapeake Bay
  • ANT 280. Traditional Ecological Knowledge
  • ART/ENV 241. Environment and Public Art
  • ART 310. Art & Nature in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
  • ART/ENV 395. Art and the Natural World
  • ART 494. Seeing Ecologically
  • CRS 244. A Humanities Perspective on the Chesapeake (if enrolled in the Chesapeake Semester)
  • ECN/ENV 317. Environmental Economics
  • ECN/ENV 318. Natural Resource Economics (if taken ECN 112)
  • ENG 347. American Environmental Writing 
  • PHL 303. Environmental Ethics
  • PHL 310. Philosophy of Science
  • POL/ENV 335. Global Environmental Politics
  • SOC/ENV 370. Environmental Sociology
  • SOC 394. Sociology and Agriculture
  • Special Topics (with approval from ENV Dept Chair)

Two upper level ENV courses chosen from the following (note that some courses have pre-requisites):

  • ENV/BIO 221. The Bermuda Environment (summer course, odd years)
  • ENV 222. Summer Environmental Studies in Ecuador (summer course, even years)
  • ENV 240. Earth and Planetary Systems
  • ENV 294. Environmental Communication
  • ENV 294. Disease Ecology
  • ENV 294. Anthropogenic Impact Across an Environmental Gradient (summer course)
  • ENV 302. Conservation and Wildlife Techniques
  • ENV 311. Field Methods in Environmental Science
  • ENV 312. Watershed Biogeochemistry
  • ENV/BIO 313. Wetlands Ecology
  • ENV 314. Energy and the Environment
  • ENV 319 Sustainability and the Environment
    • cows
  • ENV 320. Climate Change
  • ENV 394. Marine Conservation
  • ENV 394. Restoration Ecology
  • ENV Special Topics (as approved by the ENV Dept Chair)

Junior and Senior Seminar (1-credit each)

  • ENV 392. Environmental Science and Studies Junior Seminar
  • ENV 491. Environmental Science and Studies Senior Seminar

Senior Capstone Experience (4 credits)

  • ENV SCE to be completed the last semester of a student鈥檚 senior year

Note for students interested in Physics

  • Students interested in pursuing a physics track within the environmental studies can substitute PHY 111 and/or PHY 112 for one or two courses in the major, after consultation with and written approval from the ENV department chair.

Note for students completing the Biology sequence but who have also taken CHE 120 and 220

  • Students should plan to take CHE/ENV 210 rather than CHE/ENV 110, as they will have the pre-requisites completed for the 200-level course

Note for students who major in Environmental Studies and minor in Biology

  • Students majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Biology can count double count a maximum of 3 courses (BIO 111 & 112 plus 1 approved upper-level BIO or ENV elective). To complete the Biology minor, an additional 4 upper-level BIO  courses are required.

Note for students who minor in Chesapeake Regional Studies (5 courses total)

  • Students who minor in Chesapeake Regional Studies can double count one course for this minor and the Environmental Science or Studies major.

Note for students majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in any discipline 

  • Students can double count  a maximun number of courses, based on the total number of courses required for the minor, as detailed below:
    • 5 course minor = 1 course overlap with Env Studies major
    • 6 course minor = 2 course overlap with Env Studies major
    • 7 course minor = 3 course overlap with Env Studies major