Research Obligations

Upon completion of your CSJF sponsored research you will be required to meet the following obligations.

 1) Presentation

You are responsible for contacting the SJF student officers and choosing a date when you are available to present your research to SJF members. Dates will be shared by the current student President. The board is relatively flexible as SJF holds meetings multiple times throughout each semester, however you must be prepared to present on the date you have chosen. Your oral presentation should highlight your research objectives and findings using Power Point. It should not exceed twenty minutes. Each presentation is followed by a short question and answer session. In addition to the use of power point, any visuals, photos, or film which you would like to share with SJF members are encouraged.  Some students will be asked to present a poster at our annual recruitment open house.

2) Written report

You are required to write a 3-5 page report in the format of a research paper. This paper should address the research questions you outlined in your grant proposal and your findings. It is to be submitted to the SJF President the evening of your oral presentation.

You are encouraged to submit this report to the 缅北强奸 Review and, when appropriate, the International Studies Review.

3) Abstract

You must submit an abstract that briefly explains the purpose of your research or internship, your findings, and how your SJF funded experience was personally beneficial to you. This should be expressed in approximately 250 words. The abstract will be used on the WC website to showcase SJF grant recipients and their research.

4) Expenditures

You are required to submit a copy of your proposed budget and a detailed account of how your grant monies were spent. When possible, include copies of all receipts.