Curricular Programming with Digital Media Services

Curricular Programming

Digital Media Services provides exciting sessions that assist in meeting your curricular goals by augmenting your classroom instruction with hands-on workshops and project based learning. These workshops afford opportunities for the students to explore the curricular topic in new exciting and engaging ways.

鈥  Visual Communication and Literacy

鈥  Design Thinking

鈥  Digital Storytelling

鈥  2D & 3D Design

鈥  Media Production

鈥  Electronics and Microcontrollers

鈥  Creative Process

鈥  Rapid Prototyping

鈥  Time Management

鈥 Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset

They can be scheduled in the IDEAWORKS Innovation Center or at times within your classroom when desired. Related support is available to the students outside the scheduled class time as well through office hours and scheduled appointments with staff, and d days a week via student IDEAWORKS Student Consultants.



Curricular programming often sparks an ongoing interest in that can be cultivated through co-curricular programming offered by Digital Media Services. Learn more about co-curricular programming available through IDEAWORKS here.

Past Curricular Programming Highlights

SOC 394 - Sociological Documentaries, 鈥Small Town, Big Heart鈥 (2015 International Videographers Award - Excellence)


ANT 394 - Society, Environment and the Sea: Reading the Currents


CRS 240, 242, 244, & 246 - Chesapeake Semester