Developing Safe Habits

Developing Safe Habits

Around Campus

  1. Learn the locations of the blue-light phones and access phones on campus (there is a map in the general safety booklet). Blue-light phones connect directly to the emergency line at Public Safety.
  2. Walk with others after dark. Avoid shortcuts and wooded areas; stay on lighted walkways.
  3. Call Public Safety for an escort if you will be walking alone at night.
  4. Let your friends know the route you are taking and when to expect you. Call ahead.
  5. Notice cars that pull up beside you or pass you more than once.
  6. Pay attention to footsteps and voices.
  7. If you are followed, stay in a lighted area and seek safety in a public building where there are other people. If you are on campus, find a phone.

At Home or in Residential Houses

  1. Have your keys in your hand well before you get to your destination. If you feel you are being watched, get help. Go to a neighbor鈥檚 door, an access phone, or the Public Safety office.
  2. Close and lock the door immediately when entering a residential building. Always keep room doors locked, especially when you are sleeping, and do not prop open outside doors.
  3. Be sensible with your keys and FOBS - don鈥檛 leave them in an outside hiding place. Report all lost or stolen College keys and FOBS as soon as possible.
  4. Be careful about letting acquaintances sleep in your room or home.
  5. Vouch for visitors to a residential building only if you know them. Report unauthorized persons or suspicious behavior to the residence life staff, or the Department of Public Safety immediately.
  6. Know who is at the door before opening it. Ask for identification from anyone you don鈥檛 know or feel uncomfortable about. If a stranger requests to use your telephone to call for help, offer to place the call for him or her rather than to invite the stranger into your home or room. If you live alone off campus, or with other women, use only your first initials on your mailbox and in telephone directories.
  7. Use caution over the phone. Never reveal your phone number or name to a wrong number caller. Don鈥檛 reveal to a caller that you are alone. Be wary of telephone surveys, especially ones that ask for personal information. If you don鈥檛 know who the person is, hang up. Warn roommates not to give out personal information over the phone.
  8. Be alert in laundromats and laundry rooms. Try not to go alone.
  9. Report burned-out lights and broken locks, doors, and windows to Building and Grounds immediately.
  10. Know which neighbors you could call in an emergency.
  11. Take public safety and security regulations seriously.

In Transit

  1. Have your keys ready in your hand as you approach the car.
  2. Have your doors locked at all times, and your windows up whenever possible.
  3. Check your back seat before you get into your car.
  4. Park in a well-lit area.
  5. Don鈥檛 go to your car alone at night if you can avoid it.
  6. Always make sure you have enough gas, and your car is in good repair, before you leave.
  7. Never pick up hitchhikers.
  8. Consider carrying a cellular phone.
  9. If you suspect you are being followed, drive into a busy, well-lit establishment and call a law enforcement agency. If you know the location of the local police department, drive there and ask for help.
  10. Signal for help by raising the hood of your car if you have car trouble. Remain in your car with the doors locked until help arrives. Make sure the assistance is legitimate. If another motorist offers help, stay in your car and ask the motorist to call the police or auto club.
  11. Don鈥檛 stop if you see a disabled vehicle on the highway, but report it and send help for the driver.

*Adopted in part from 鈥淎cquaintance Rape鈥, a publication of the American College Health Association.