Honor Board Hearing Procedures

All students who are called before the Honor Board will be treated with respect, dignity and sensitivity. Students called before the Honor Board will be provided with information about the hearing process prior to the hearing.

Once a student conduct case has been referred for a hearing, the Honor Board will work to schedule the hearing as soon as possible. At least five business days prior to the hearing, the Respondent will be notified in writing of the charges against them, as well as the date, time, and location of the hearing. In certain circumstances, with the agreement of the Respondent in the case, the five-day notification policy may be waived. In cases where the student Respondent is facing external charges filed by a law enforcement agency, the Honor Board may decide to hold a hearing prior to a court hearing. The Respondent may request a postponement of the hearing in writing to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs. The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, in consultation with the Honor Board Chair and/or Vice-Chair, will determine whether to grant the request.

Cases involving more than one Respondent are typically heard in one hearing. Either/any Respondent has the right to request a separate hearing. The administrator referring the case will decide whether to grant the request.

A student Respondent may request that specific witnesses appear at their hearing. The request must be received by the administrator of the hearing at least four business days prior to the hearing. Prior to the hearing, witnesses will receive written notification that they are required to attend and will be expected to participate in the hearing.

If a student chooses to have an advisor present at the hearing, the advisor鈥檚 name must be submitted to the respective administra five days prior to the hearing. The advisor must be a member of the College community (faculty, staff, or student).

The Honor Board鈥檚 decision regarding responsibility for Honor Code violations will be based solely on the information submitted during the hearing using the standard of 鈥渕ore likely than not鈥.

A student Respondent's prior Honor Board or conduct record will be made available to the Board only if the student has been found responsible and only for the purpose of informing the sanction phase.

The Honor Board is committed to the principles of consensus when making decisions about a student Respondent's responsibility and any resulting sanctions. On the rare occasion when a vote becomes necessary, four out of five votes will be required to find responsibility and to impose sanctions.

Abstentions are not permitted.