Post-Hearing Procedures

Post Hearing and the Outcome

Honor Board hearings normally take anywhere between 45 minutes to three hours to complete. Following the hearing (normally the next business day), the Respondent will be notified whether the Board determined if the student was found responsible or not responsible for violating the Honor Code.

If it was determined that the student was responsible for violating the Honor Code, they will also be informed of the sanctions at that time.

Sanctions for students found responsible for violations of the Honor Code can range anywhere from an Official College Warning through expulsion.


Retention and Release of Disciplinary Records

For a student enrolled in bachelor's degree programs:

For cases in which an outcome of responsible is reached and a disciplinary sanction of expulsion is applied, all records of the incident and outcome will be permanently retained in the student鈥檚 disciplinary file in the Dean of Student's Office.

For cases in which an outcome of responsible is reached and a disciplinary sanction other than expulsion is applied, all records of the incident and outcome will be maintained for seven years after the student's most recent term of enrollment.